A Life-Changing Method for Everyone
Invented by Sangitha Khosla, the Ayurvedic Prana Method is a 45-years successful blend of Ayurveda, chakra therapy, cosmic energy, spiritual love and education to transform to a more fulfilled life. With the Method you will learn to listen to your inner voice and live an energetic life in connection, clarity and harmony with an excellent emotional health: Brave, Strong and Fearless.
Reduced stress
Increased focus
Love and harmony
Excellent emotional health
What Our Clients Say About Us
" Sangitha heeft me na 1 behandeling al geholpen; innerlijk, lichamelijk en geestelijk. Belangrijkste! Ik kan weer ademen en voel me sterker dan voorheen."
- Sevim
"Na maanden in pijn geleefd te hebben ging mijn pijn na een tweede bezoek aan Ayurveda Palms in enkele minuten weg. Stijfheid ging ook weg. Ik had mijn stok niet meer nodig en kon praktisch weer normaal lopen.
- Otmar
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Read the Google reviews.

"Haar woorden "het komt goed" gaven me zoveel rust en vertrouwen. Inmiddels heb ik 2 behandelingen erop zitten en kan ik zeggen dat het al veel beter met mij gaat."
- Tessa
"Ze geeft je het grootste geschenk,... weer van jezelf houden."
- Ornella
Everyone Can Feel The Energy of Happiness and Sharing Pure Joy
Ayurveda Palms is a health and wellness clinic by Sangitha Khosla. She is a qualified and experienced healthcare provider and accelerator of vital life energy (prana) and happiness. We advocate proactive holistic well-being and combine Ayurveda with chakra therapy, cosmic energy, spiritual love and education.
Do you also want more light and love for your soul, feelings of peace, tranquility and comfort and an irresistible attraction?
We help courageous people who dare to take the leap towards greater self-esteem and harmony. Together we make the dream concrete and start the journey that could change your life forever. We face challenges every day and we don't give up. We really want to make a difference by going deep into helping people. We don't like to leave anything to chance.
With 45 years of experience and more than 62.500 consultation hours, Sangitha knows what it takes for:
Positive results regarding depression, addiction, chronic stress, burnout, pain, PTSD, imbalance and chronic health problems caused by physical, mental and emotional stress;
more inner harmony and harmony with your environment and
excellent emotional health: Brave, strong and fearless!
We Are Here To Help You
In our opinion, a positive result can only be achieved if a treatment is accompanied by personal attention, love and compassion. Every person is special to us. Our experience is that we are often able to make a good diagnosis, remove pain, dispel darkness and generate new energy. Most treatments result in immediate relief. Our treatment is different, our approach unique. Since 1997 we have helped many people at our clinic and we are here to help you too.

Contact Us
Choosing is never easy. We would therefore like to invite you for a personal conversation. We also want to get to know you, hear and see what your problems are and see which elements (doshas) are not in balance. On this website you will get to know us better as far as possible. You will have to experinece our personale approach for yourself. You are always welcome to visit our clinic.