Ayurveda Palms Chamber of Commerce 24469907 - Schieweg 98C,3038 BB Rotterdam
Article 1. Definitions
The Therapist: the natural person who has accepted the assignment and who is affiliated with the VBAG as a BCZ registered therapist.
The Client: the natural person who has instructed the Therapist to perform work, treatments and/or consultations.
RBCZ: Register Professional Practitioners Complementary Care / quality register for doctors and therapists at HBO level.
VBAG: the Association for the Promotion of Alternative Natural Medicine / the professional association
An Appointment: an oral or written confirmation of an individual consultation or treatment at a specific time, for a specific duration and at a specific price.
Article 2. Applicability of general terms and conditions
These general terms and conditions apply to all assignments given to Ayurveda Palms, the Therapist or any employees.
Article 3. Establishment and implementation
An agreement between the Therapist and the Client is established by making an Appointment. The Therapist determines, in consultation with the Client, the manner in which the treatments are performed.
The therapist carries out the assignment in accordance with the rules of conduct and professional rules of the Foundation for Disciplinary Professions Natural Healthcare (TCZ) and the VBAG.
The Client is obliged to pass on all relevant information about the current medical situation and the past, use and change of medication to the Therapist.
Article 4. Cancellation
Cancellation of Appointments must be made no later than 48 hours before the Appointment. Replacement by another person, arranged by the Client, is not considered a cancellation.
The following cancellation conditions apply to cancellation of Appointments:
- In the event of cancellation up to 48 hours before the start of an Appointment, the Client does not owe any costs.
- In the event of cancellation up to 24 hours before the start of an Appointment, the Client owes 50% of the amount for the Appointment.
- In case of cancellation within 24 hours before the start of the Appointment, the Client owes 100% of the amount for the consultation.
The cancellation conditions of paragraph 2 also apply to an Appointment made within 48 hours prior to the Appointment and to an Appointment that is postponed to a later date at the request of the Client.
Article 5. Confidentiality
The therapist is obliged to maintain secrecy towards third parties who are not involved in the execution of the treatments. This confidentiality concerns all information of a confidential nature made available to him by the Client. This confidentiality does not apply insofar as legal or professional rules of the Therapist impose an information obligation and data about which the client has stated that he / she does not object to use for statistical purposes and / or scientific research.
The Therapist will impose the confidentiality obligation of paragraph 1 on his/her employees.
Article 6. Rates
1. Rates for a consultation, treatment or supplements are based on the most recent list of rates. Ayurveda Palms reserves the right to change the rates. Changes in the rates will be communicated to the Client by e-mail.
2. Payments must in principle be made in cash at each consultation, unless otherwise determined by the Therapist.
3. The Client is responsible for consulting his/her policy conditions in advance with regard to health insurance reimbursements.
4. If the Client arrives later than the agreed time, this time will be deducted from the agreed time, so that any subsequent clients will not be inconvenienced, and the full rate will remain due.
Article 7. Liability
The Therapist does not provide a medical guarantee in any way, nor is it in any way liable for medical complications that arise at the time or after the performance of its services at the Client that are not due to a serious attributable shortcoming of the Therapist . The Therapist is in no way liable for consequential damages.
As a member of the VBAG, TheRapeut is collectively insured for professional and business liability and legal assistance. The liability of the Therapist and Ayurveda Palms is limited to the amount that is paid out in the relevant case under the liability insurance of the Therapist.
The Therapist and Ayurveda Palms are in no way liable for the quality and composition of the supplements advised by her. The supplier of these supplements is responsible and accountable for this. The therapist will, insofar as it is in her power, cooperate in the proper handling of a complaint about the recommended supplements.
Article 8. Third-party clause
These general terms and conditions also constitute an irrevocable third-party clause for the benefit of the advisors and employees of Ayurveda Palms.
Article 9. Dispute resolution and competent court
1. The Therapist, acting from her company Ayurveda Palms, is collectively affiliated with Quasir 'expertise center for complaints, calamities and disputes care and welfare' within the framework of the Care Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act (Wkkgz) through her membership of the VBAG. .
2. For all complaints and disputes, the Client can contact the Disputes Committee Stichting Zorggeschil, address: PO Box 1021, 7940 KA Meppel / www.zorggeschil.nl
3. If a complaint is submitted to the Stichting Zorggeschil Disputes Committee, the committee will make a decision within 6 months. In the event of damage, the committee can award compensation of a maximum of € 25,000. The decision of the Disputes Committee is binding.
4. The Client has the right not to make use of the dispute settlement procedure and to apply directly to the court.
5. All agreements to which these general terms and conditions apply are subject to Dutch law and, if Stichting Zorggeschil is not chosen, the court in Rotterdam will be deemed to be the competent court.
March 2018